Im Rahmen der GameStop Expo wurden nun eine Prestige und Hardened Edition für Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 bestätigt. Die Kollegen von Mp1st melden zudem bereits die Inhalte der Prestige-Edition :
The hardened contains the above except the Drone obviously.
So what can we work out? There will be multiple zombie maps on release. In game upgrades? These will be a Camo an player are background.
As you can see from the picture the care package is huge!. The quadrotor looks similarly sized to the RC-XD and there are a few other stuff included also. The steelbook looks crazy!
Now something else which catches my attention is no Elite subscription? This assumes how elite works will change with Elite v2.
Prestige Edition
Hardened Edition
Eintrag wurde bearbeitet von wipsx - Dienstag, 28 Aug. 2012, 18:48:18
Ok so with Twitter being full of Black Ops 2 information for the past 24 hours now, the first prices of the Hardened and Prestige Editions have appeared!
Activision have now confirmed the US price as $179 for Care Package and $79 for the Hardened Edition! Also Game UK has put the editions on the website! Care Package is £159.99 and the Hardened is £69.99
Just released as well is a video showing the editions